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Is your question not among our frequently asked questions? Please contact our Customer Service. We’ll be happy to help you. You can reach us during the week from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. You can also leave a message using the contact form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Please get in touch by completing the contact form below.

You can buy Verstegen products at many different supermarkets and butcher shops. If the product you are looking for is not available in your area, you can order it in the Verstegen webshop. Our entire range is available here. Also, orders over €15 are shipped free of charge.

If you have ordered products from us, they will be delivered to your home within approx. 3 business days. In the Netherlands orders over €15 will be shipped free. It is not possible to pick up your order at our office. It is possible to select a pickup point where you can pick up your order.

Our range offers a great range of many products that are free of gluten. Whether a product contains gluten, can be read on the label underneath the ingredients. The ingredients are also listed in our webshop. If in doubt, please contact us:

Verstegen Consumenten Service
+31 (0)10 245 51 00

On business days, this phone number can be reached from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

All ingredients are listed on the product label. The ingredients are also listed in our webshop. If in doubt, please contact us:

Verstegen Consumenten Service
+31(0)10 245 51 00

On business days, this phone number can be reached from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Verstegen offers a great range of many products without added salt. However, these products may not be suitable for salt-free or low-sodium diets.
Check out the ingredients listed on the packaging.
Herbal and/or spice mixes with the ingredient ‘broth powder’ also contain salt. Our low-sodium mixes contain no added salt, but may include natural potassium and sodium. Unfortunately, these cannot be removed. Separate herbs and spices contain no salt.

If in doubt, please contact us:

Verstegen Consumenten Service
+31(0)10 245 51 00

On business days, this telephone number can be reached from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

We do not recommend keeping any opened package of Verstegen ready-to-use Satay sauce for longer than approx. 4 weeks. If you make sure that you always use a clean spoon to scoop the sauce from the cup, you can easily heat the cup several times in the microwave. Afterwards, close the jar tightly and keep it in the refrigerator.

Our website offers a lot of information about the origin of herbs and spices and their use. If you have any other questions, you can always ask:

Verstegen Consumenten Service
+31(0)10 245 51 00

On business days, this telephone number can be reached from 9:00 am– 5:00 pm.

This is often caused by moisture. When steam or moisture gets to the herbs and spices, they may start to clot. This happens when you sprinkle the herbs and spices over a hot pan or fuming dish. We do not recommend sprinkling directly into a pan, but dosing it first in the palm of your hand, on a spoon or in a small dish. Then you can avoid the inconvenience of clotted herbs and spices.

If you find the contents in a lump when you buy the herbs or spices, please return the product to us in its original packaging immediately. You can send it free of charge to the address below. Please mention the date of purchase and the store where you bought it. We will then send you a new product (free of charge).

Verstegen Consumenten Service
Antwoordnummer 40157
3040 VB Rotterdam

All Verstegen products can be ordered via our webshop.

If you place an order, you pay €5.80 in shipping costs. In the Netherlands orders over €15 will be shipped free of charge.

Some products may contain allergens. Are you looking for a certain allergen? These can be found on the label with the rest of the ingredients. The ingredients are also listed in our webshop. If in doubt, please contact us:

Verstegen Consumenten Service
+31 (0)10 245 51 00

During business days, this phone number can be reached from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Please contact our customer service and/or return the product to us.
The product can be returned free of charge to the address below (within the Netherlands).

Verstegen Consumenten Service
Antwoordnummer 40157
3040 VB Rotterdam

Preferably store dry herbs and mixes in a dry place in the kitchen (keep away from the extractor hood). In the case of transparent packaging, we recommend storing the herbs (mixes) in dark, dry places like a closed cupboard.

Unopened packagings of Verstegen sauce can be kept outside the fridge. We recommend that you do not refrigerate packaging for longer than approx. 4 weeks.

If you have a wholesaler card, large packages of our products are available at wholesalers, such as Makro, Sligro and Zegro.

To prepare a pound of minced meat you need 10 grams of spices for minced meat “without breadcrumbs”. This is about 3 small teaspoons. Add an egg and half a cup of milk or water. For meat mixes containing breadcrumbs, use different amounts. Read the instructions on the packaging.

Verstegen ships parcels within the Netherlands (€5.80) and to Belgium (€9.15), France (€15.40) and Germany (€9.25).


    Verstegen Spices & Sauces B.V.